April 21, 2011

Smoke photography

More like conceptual work. I used the photographs I got from my smoke photography session and got some of these.

You see what I see?


  1. love the smoke pics.. its awsme

  2. the one with the black and white background looks like a couple dancing... love all of them. totally psychedelic!

  3. Killer stuff, you should put a rating button under each photo so that I can like all of them :)

  4. and i agree again! individual buttons will be helpful, especially when i have specific things to share about specific pics. i liked your smoke photography work. but for me, and this is just 'cause of the person i am, i love connecting with the human emotions in your pics with people. keep 'em coming!

  5. p.s. great work conceiving all of these pics from random smoke photogrpahy- i like the creative structures!
