April 30, 2011

Arghya Dance festival

27th April is International Dance Day and what better way to spend the evening with the legends of classical dance of Mumbai. Presenting Arghya Dance Festival

Evening started by felicitating Manipuri Dance legend - Padmashri Darshana Zaveri. Her Age and her Grace - i was in awe!

Smt. Namita Bodaji - Bharatnatayam dancer. Her smile and her expressions - beautiful.

Odissi dancer  Smt Shubhada

Bharatnatayam dancer - Smt Mubina

Kathak dancer - Smt Tina Tambe

Bharatnatayam dancer - Shri Nilesh Singha

Navrassa - Nine important facial expressions in Bharatnatayam.

1. Sringar - Delight

2. Hasya - Laughter

3. Karuna - Sorrow

4. Rudra - Anger

5. Bhayanaka - Fear

6. Bibhatsa - Disgust

7. Veera - Heroism

8. Adbhuta - Wonder

9. Shanta - Peace

What an evening! 

1 comment:

  1. it was a really awesome evening! thanks for the opportunity to take a look at 4 different dance styles- you have captured them well. i like the way you compose your pics. the "navarasa" is well done! have you considered contacting these artistes to possibly share these pics with them? it might be good for them and you. just a thought.
